Dental Hygiene New Year's Resolutions to Make this Year

Dental Hygiene New Year's Resolutions to Make this Year
The new year is a time that causes many people to re-evaluate their lives and make new goals that they aspire to ascertain. New Year's resolutions are, however, hardly attained as a majority of those who made them lose focus, and their commitment tapers off. Despite this scenario, those who value good dental hygiene often use New Year's resolutions to make positive changes in how they take care of their teeth. Here are some ways you can bolster your oral health heading into another year.

1. Brush Your Teeth for Two Minutes Twice a Day

Many people do not seem to be aware of the fact that there is a proper way to brush their teeth. The more you clean your teeth to the prescribed standards, the better your overall dental care will be. If you have been brushing your teeth once a day (most likely at night), you have been doing it wrong. Dentists recommend cleaning them twice a day, typically once at night and once in the morning.

Along with brushing twice a day is the length of time you should take when brushing. To clean your teeth correctly, dentists recommend brushing for two minutes. But this alone, too, may not be adequate for proper dental hygiene.

In addition to brushing twice a day for two minutes, you are advised to brush using circular motions. This helps you reach the areas that are less visible. Ensure that you don't brush aggressively as this can lead to damaging your gum and enamel.

2. Drink a Lot of Water Daily

Dentists highly recommend drinking water throughout the day to promote better dental hygiene. Anytime you drink water, you wash away bacteria that are on your teeth. The more consistently you do this, the more bacteria you clean from your teeth.

Another effect of drinking water through the day is that you increase the amount of saliva in your mouth. Doing this helps to fight any bacteria present there. So, how much water should you drink to achieve this? Calculate half your weight to get an approximate number of ounces you should take in daily.

3. Replace Your Toothbrush Regularly

Changing your toothbrush on a regular basis is an essential factor in better dental hygiene. Over time, the bristles in your toothbrush become frayed and weaken, meaning they don't clean your teeth as well. Dentists recommend swapping your toothbrush every three to six months. An ideal time to do this is on New Year's Day, as you will remember to replace it with the change in each season.

4. Regular Flossing

Flossing is one of the most potent ways to bolster your oral hygiene, eclipsed only by brushing your teeth. It helps in eliminating food particles and bacteria trapped in between the teeth. The toothbrush can't clean these, and without any regular flossing there will be build up which will adversely affect your dental health.

Run the floss back and forth alongside your teeth to remove any present food particles or bacteria. While it may initially be a hard habit to pick up, training yourself to floss after brushing your teeth over time makes it easy to do with little effort.

5. Use Soft Bristles

Contrary to popular opinion, a toothbrush with hard bristles doesn't help clean teeth any better. In fact, it is harmful to your dental hygiene as it erodes your gums and enamel. Your teeth will become more susceptible to decay as a result. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to prevent harming your gum and enamel.

6. Avoid Excess Starchy and Sugary Foods

Sugar and starch in excessive amounts are incredibly harmful to your dental health. When they stick to the teeth, they provide the fuel that bacteria present in your teeth require to form acids causing tooth decay. You do not have to eliminate these foods in your quest for better oral health. Instead, enjoy them in moderation.

7. Clean Your Tongue, Too

Many people clean their teeth regularly but barely pay any attention to their tongue. It holds a lot of the bacteria present in the mouth (which cause bad breath). You should, therefore, brush your tongue while you brush your teeth. The best way to clean it is by brushing from the back of the tongue forward towards the mouth. Do this gently. Brush it side-to-side as well and rinse when done.

8. Stop Smoking

If you smoke cigarettes, you may need to consider kicking the habit as it cuts down your risk of gum disease by 50 percent.

Good oral hygiene is a desirable goal that many people focus on during the New Year. There are various things you can do to ensure that you maintain excellent dental hygiene. Consistency in carrying them out is what leads to better oral health.

About the Author

Dr. Marichia Attala is a leading Periodontist in Nassau County.  Learn more by visiting her website at
