Foods That Can Cause Oral Health Problems
There is a definite connection between oral health and general health. What starts as a simple toothache can develop into an abscessed tooth and cause a blood clot to form. That clot can travel through the body and lead to a stroke.Those who suffer from poor oral hygiene can also experience problems that affect their general health and issue that make it hard for them to recover from injuries and illnesses. Many people do not realize that certain foods are bad for their teeth too. They can look at which foods are bad for their teeth and why they should avoid them.
Popcorn - Popcorn might seem like a harmless food and is actually a snack that many recommend for those on a diet. The danger with popcorn is that it's almost impossible to pop every kernel. This is especially true of microwave popcorn. When you eat this snack, you probably do so absentmindedly while watching Netflix or playing a game. If you bite down on a kernel that is only partially popped or not popped at all, you risk chipping or breaking a tooth. Another issue is that the kernel or the husk can lodge itself inside your mouth and between your tooth and gum. It can aggravate the tooth and cause some intense pain too.
Soft Drinks - Though you might pride yourself on drinking diet soda, you should stop and think twice before grabbing any type of soda. Carbonated drinks use acids and sugars to create that bubbly sensation you feel in your mouth. That combination of ingredients can wear down the enamel on your teeth and leave the roots exposed, which will cause some pain. High consumption of soft drinks will also increase your risk of cavities forming. If you let a cavity go for too long without seeking treatment, you might lose that tooth. Both diet and regular soft drinks can cause the same problems.
Bread - Some of the more common diets that people today use require that they cut back on or completely eliminate carbs. Those diets tell you to stop eating bread and other similar products. Even if you don't follow a strict diet, you may still want to minimize eating bread because it's one of the worst foods for your teeth. When you eat bread, your mouth produces saliva to break down that substance into a wet material. Even if you drink while eating, pieces of that bread can stick to different parts of your mouth such as your teeth. The sugars in that bread can increase your risk of developing cavities.
Tomatoes - Tomatoes are a common food that you probably eat at home and in restaurants. Whether it's a slice on top of a hamburger or juicy chunks in a salad, you might even pat yourself on the back for eating healthy. Tomatoes are potentially dangerous for your teeth because this vegetable has a high natural acidity level. Even if you cook down the tomatoes into a sauce, there is still some acid in that sauce. This acid can eat through the enamel and cause cavities or make any existing tooth pain that you experience feel worse.
Citrus Fruits - Many people enjoy citrus fruits in the summer when they eat more fruits and vegetables, but they don't realize the damage lemons and oranges can do to their teeth. These fruits are high in the natural acids that can eat away at the enamel and break down the outside of the teeth. They can also increase the risk that you might suffer from tooth decay. This includes fruits that you eat whole and those that you juice. Those who suffer from canker and other mouth sores may feel more irritation and pain when eating these fruits too.
Candy and Refined Sugar - Though most people know that candy and other foods that are high in refined sugar are bad for them, they may not realize just how bad those sweet treats are. Sticky candy such as gum, lollipops, and caramels are particularly bad. They can stick to your teeth and aggravate any symptoms or pain that you already have. You also risk those foods pulling out fillings when they stick to your teeth. If you have an untreated cavity or a broken tooth, those candies can even pull out some of the teeth and worsen the cavity.
Alcohol - One of the biggest dangers associated with drinking alcohol is that it can cause dry mouth. The human mouth naturally produces saliva, which surrounds the teeth and helps pull harmful bacteria away. Saliva also contains some natural minerals that can make teeth stronger and healthier. When you consume high quantities of alcohol, your mouth can stop producing saliva. This will increase your chances of suffering from gum disease and tooth decay and worsen any oral infections that you have. Some types of alcohol such as red wine can also stain your teeth.
Healthy teeth and gums can help you stay healthy and reduce your risks of developing gingivitis and other severe medical conditions in the future. Dentists recommend that you brush three times a day and after each meal and that you floss between meals and use mouthwash too. Those who want to avoid frequent trips to the dentist and common problems such as gingivitis and cavities should know which foods are bad for their teeth and why.
About the Author
Dr. Marichia Attalla is a leading Periodontist in Nassau County NY. Learn more about her services by visiting her website at
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